Réseau international

Games 4 All at INSEP !

As part of the launch of the "Games 4 All" initiative by the Embassy of the United States of America and the Consulates of the United States of America in France, INSEP and the French Breaking Centre welcomed last week the sports "envoys" Jacob "Kujo" Lyons and Grace "Sunny" Choi, two renowned American specialists in the discipline. On the programme: exchanges and "battles" with the French bboys and bgirls in a relaxed atmosphere!

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This Franco-American action, which will be followed by many others until the Los Angeles 2028 Olympic Games, is part of the dynamic "Games 4 All" sports and cultural project, set up as part of the memorandum of understanding signed between Paris 2024 and Los Angeles 2028. This programme is based on three themes aimed at promoting urban cultures, diversity, innovation and sustainable development:

  • "HEALTHY BODY" - How the new generation of athletes is able to achieve better performances thanks to scientific, technological and medical innovations.
  • "HEALTHY MIND" - Why mental health is so important for athletes to balance performance and stress, while fighting the stigma that limits the debate on mental health.
  • "HEALTHY PLANET" - How Paris and Los Angeles aim to reduce the impact of the Games on the environment and the well-being of residents and visitors. As the health of our planet depends on the health of our societies, we will also highlight the values of diversity and inclusion.